Monday, October 15, 2012

Pizza at the Park

Well, it's 12:19, first tour of the night. Any moment now, the milk dust should start puffing out. I am thinking about how fast the weekend went by and how did I lose another weekend without completely cleaning my home, shaving my legs, showering diligently. Sometimes as parents, we are so tired and delirious we do things we would never do. Saturday being no exception.
My husband worked this weekend, and I took my children to the park on Saturday and met up with a friend. On the way, I stopped at one of my favorite spots and picked us up some lunch to take to the park. I hadn't had a decent meal in what seems like, forever. I ordered the kids their wants and for myself, my favorite.. Aloha Flatbread Pizza. Ham, pineapple, cheese.... Mmmmmm.... I could hardly wait to eat it. I had thought about this pizza for what seems like ages. We get to the park and I begin to unload the ducklings and what seemed like the never ending supply of bags, wipes, sippy cups, binkys, lovies...
Finally I make it in the gates of the park.. Raindrops. For freakin real?? I just want to play with the kids.. And eat! We made it to a spot and started to set up. I get the kids all set with their meals and set to down to chat with my pal and FINALLY get my mouth on this coveted pizza. As I prepare to eat it..The wind picks up and is blowing sandwiches and chips everywhere! I chase down my daughters drink and ham sandwich. I make it back to the table... There goes my sons chips. Another trip across the park to retrieve the chips. Finally I sit down, and pick up my pizza and sink my teeth in to Aloha Heaven!!! I get one bite.. ONE bite and my 9 month old drags it off the table and splat.. It hits the cement pad under the table, where so many feet had sat before. Nooooooooooooooooo!!!! Why? Why? Why did she do this? I was hungry. I hadn't eaten in what seemed like forever! Did she care that she was sucking me dry and I needed energy? I sat there for a moment, trying to decide my next move, and let me tell you the next decision I made, was made in desperation. I scraped the "least affected" area of pizza off the ground... And I ate it. I'm not proud. But darn it, I was hungry! Luckily I was in non judgmental company. And I'll tell you, although it may have been scraped off the sidewalk, but that was the best 1/3 of a slice of flatbread pizza, I've ever eaten!
Our kids drive us to do the unthinkable and I have to laugh at myself for doing something I never thought I'd do.

Milk Dust

Remember 6 weeks post partum? Glowing skin, luscious hair, milk spraying out at and ounce per minute? Here we are, almost 10 months post partum, pizza face, 3 strands of hair, and pumping so little milk it's like spurting dust in the bottle. Ok, maybe not that bad but it feels like it! I've fine anything and some things you'd never believe to keep this milk up and my body repays me? I drive, vacation, jog, eat, clean house, and work with this flange suctioned on my boob and all I have to show is milk dust?! The fix? Oh I know how to fix it. A return to a STRICT every 2 hour round the clock Pump a Thon. But what about sleep? Life? My husband? What to do... What to do? If you know me, you know the answer. See you guys in 2 hours :-)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Ponderings while pumping.. Fitness edition...

So here I am, pumping, walking, pushing baby in the stroller. It's a beautiful night and I love this weather... I can't help but wonder what will become of me when I no longer breastfeed, pump, and use my milk for good? Maybe I will be a donor?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Breast Milk & Branson

So here I am again, pumping. This time in my hotel in Branson. A little getaway to spend some time with my family and the first time away from home with Anna Grace, who is now 6 months old. The trip has been a little hectic but it all worked out. Of course in tow, was good ol' Beulah (Medela symphony). Also in tow is my Medela Pump n Style. Have to keep pumping for my little girl and to keep my milk up.
Let me tell you, to say this has been a challenge would be an understatement. Not only the pumping, but storing the breastmilk, warming the breastmilk for food...ugh. One gadget that was a lifesaver was the munchkin bottle warmer. We used it to warm up breastmilk, warm up baby food, warm up milk for my 3 year olds bedtime. I don't know what we'd have down without it!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Vacation Edition

So here I am, on the road to a mini vacation, pumping again. Having to pump extra dutiful because this week has wrecked my milk supply. I've missed several sessions each day and it's starting to show. No worries though, I'll get it back up there.
I can't wait to see what adventures await on us this journey!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Up a Creek Without A Pump

So the other day, I took my mom to Tulsa (the nearest big city which is over an hour from our house) to pick out a shower door for her new bathroom. As usual when getting ready, I pack up the baby's things along with Beulah. (Beulah is the name I have given to my Medela Symphony. We get to Tulsa, pick out her things, and my pump alarm goes off. "TIME TO MAKE THE DONUTS" and off the van I go. I plug in Beulah and begin looking for my flanges... I don't see them. Dig a little more. Don't see them. Panic is setting in. Frantically searching .. Where are the flanges???!!! Gulp! I'd left them at home. How am I going to pump with NO flanges? I look at my daughter with the puss n boots eyes, "please nurse from me". Now remember, this is the daughter who would only nurse at night or in the shower after I returned to work. I get all lovey and cuddly and attempt to nurse her... She chomps downs and giggles. The breasts are really starting to burn now...She rolls my breast around in her mouth and laughs. "Come on Anna Grace"...she looks on. As a matter of fact she looks at every single person walking by, fumbles the steering wheel, plays with my hair, but will NOT breastfeed. I get her strapped in her car seat, and get back in the van. I know what must be done. With leaking breasts, I make a mad dash to the Target across the street. I get Anna Grace and run back to the Baby Dept to look at their teensy Breastfeeding Supply section. 1 flange is $10! The bottles to attach it to only come in a multipack and are $16.99. Crap! I am not paying that for an emergency bottle! I THINK have a breast milk storage bag in with my pump paraphernalia. So I buy the flange and out the car we go. I dig out the milk bag and hold it under the flange, fire up Beulah, and finally....ahhhh.... SWEET RELEASE!!!! Anyone breast feeding knows this release. Had it been one more minute I surely would have torn my own nipples off to stop the burn.
Oh the things I have learned along this breast feeding adventure. The thing i never thought I'd do. The shirts i have soaked. And always, always, check for your flanges because they are not easy to get!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

R.I.P. Chivalry 1:15 am

Pumping and trying to thaw out. I woke up to pump (after falling asleep on the couch) and was freezing cold. I glanced over at my hubby who was curled up asleep on the other couch. He was all snuggled in with a big cozy blanket. Sleeping, warm and safe. With a big ol content grin on his face. I woke him up and told him to get in bed, that I would pump and be there shortly. On his way to bed he throws the blanket my way letting me know he was done. I felt like Joe Dirt did-eating an apple core for lunch and having someone pass gas in my face after they were all done with it! Chivalry is DEAD!